
Save the Children Foundation

Announcements: Columbia F Grant Writing Seminar

Place: Zoom

Date: October 8, 2021

As you all know, grant writing is a fundamental skill whether you work in academics, in business, in the non profit sector or in government. The NIH F31 mechanism is meant to support students during their dissertation years, and comes with salary support and a bit of support for professional development.

We have had some success with F31 grants or F31 equivalents from other funders in the past year. However, for the most part, those students were ‘coached’ on a one-on-one ad hoc basis. We would like to formalize the process this year, and are starting a F31 workshop to meet on a mutually agreeable day and time. The not for credit workshop will be geared towards the NIH F31 April 8 submission date. It will meet once per week, with work to do for the following week. There will be peer reviews of work and I also will review all grants. This is not meant to be a substitute for your mentor but to give some structure around the process of writing a dissertation grant.

Please let us know about your interest and which of the times below are generally good. If you would prefer another time, let us know now, and I will see if I can arrange it. All meetings will be on zoom (And we will set up a course works page).

Monday 11:30-12:30
Monday 5-6
Wednesday 11:30-12:30
Thursday 11:30-12:30
Thursday 5-6

Contact: Pam Factor-Litvak | Email: -